
Most Affordable
Trauma Surgery Specialists in Colorado Springs, CO

There are over 2 Trauma Surgery specialists in Colorado Springs, CO. The following Trauma Surgery specialists have better prices than atleast 0% of similar providers in the area. If you are looking for a Trauma Surgery provider near you these are some of the most cost effective options in Colorado Springs. To see each provider's pricing, locations, and contact information, click on their profile.

Dr. Keyan D Riley, MD

Dr. Keyan D Riley, MD

Memorial Hospital Phys Group

Trauma Surgery Physician • Male

1400 E Boulder St
Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Pricing Score™

Dr. Paul Eugene Reckard, MD

Dr. Paul Eugene Reckard, MD

Uchealth Medical Group

Trauma Surgery Physician • Male

1400 E Boulder St
Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Pricing Score™

See all Trauma Surgery Providers in Colorado Springs

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Trauma Surgery Specialists?

Trauma surgery is a recognized subspecialty of general surgery. Trauma surgeons are physicians who have completed a five-year general surgery residency and usually continue with a one to two year fellowship in trauma and/or surgical critical care, typically leading to additional board certification in surgical critical care. There is no trauma surgery board certification at this point. To obtain board certification in surgical critical care, a fellowship in surgical critical care or anesthesiology critical care must be completed during or after general surgery residency. [Source]